Company of Heroes 2

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:36
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Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Zannawhite » 16 set 2012, 14:28

Leggete !! Il buon Marcus2389 (Regia Armata) avrà splendide notizie:

Tratto dal forum di HWupgrade:

....Sono stato invitato dalla THQ all'Eurogamer Expo 2012 di Londra, sarò lì dal 27 al 30 Settembre e avrò modo di provare CoH2, assistere alla developer session della Relic e parlare con il Game Director Quinn Duffy e il team Relic delle mie impressioni sul gioco e di cosa penso potrebbe essere migliorato e cambiato.
Un grazie va sicuramente alla Regia Armata che mi ha sponsorizzato e mi ha permesso di andar lì, e lì (sul sito) troverete sicuramente il mio reportage di CoH2 in italiano.

Ora vi chiedo, avete delle domande che vorreste porre alla Relic su CoH2? Sto collezionando tutte le domande già da Gamereplays e dal forum ufficiale, mi piacerebbe raccoglierle anche da parte dei ragazzi italiani interessati al gioco. Fatemi qualsiasi domanda, sia sul single player che sul multiplayer, raccoglierò le migliori domande e cercherò di farvi avere delle risposte esaustive. (ove possibile, se non me le danno chiedo venia sin da ora )

Fatemi sapere!

Aorus x570 Pro Wi-fI - Ryzen 2700X - RTX 2060 - G-Skill 2x16Gb. DDR4 3200Mhz. - 970 Evo plus 500Gb. - TG800-BZ - - Armor Silver modding

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:36

Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Darknight » 17 set 2012, 08:58

Io vorrei sapere se la dinamica del gelo non rischia di concentrare troppe energie di micromanagement a discapito dell'azione principale...

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:36
Località: Guelph ON

Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Zannawhite » 17 set 2012, 19:22

Darknight ha scritto:Io vorrei sapere se la dinamica del gelo non rischia di concentrare troppe energie di micromanagement a discapito dell'azione principale...
Sarà molto complesso per ciò che è rimasto di Relic nel ripetere un sucessone come è stato il predecessore mantenendo un gameplay ottimo.
Aorus x570 Pro Wi-fI - Ryzen 2700X - RTX 2060 - G-Skill 2x16Gb. DDR4 3200Mhz. - 970 Evo plus 500Gb. - TG800-BZ - - Armor Silver modding

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:36

Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Darknight » 18 set 2012, 09:20

Hanno perso dei dipendenti? Non ricordo.

Hey, Not Too Rough
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Iscritto il: 30 set 2010, 13:12

Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Pistolaru » 01 ott 2012, 09:20

Novita dal Eurogamer

This post has been edited by Tommy.: 30/09/2012, 21:51 PM

My quick and dirty write up! I will edit this more and make it look pretty in the future, but I know there's a big demand for info from Eurogamer, so there you go.

Let me start by saying this. Quinn and Bobby (Relic and THQ) know what will make a good game. They know what will make a bad game. To put this in perspective, they know that things like observer mode, support for streamers and casters, anti-cheat and strong balance will create a good game. They also know that pay-to-win, frozen-rivers-splitting-the-map-in-half and OF style blobs ignoring cutoffs will make a bad game. Virtually all concerns we had going into Eurogamer were alleviated by the time we left.

(If you're curious about the validity of 'our' views, GR members present included Seph, 12azor, Marcus2389, Pepsi, Hans and myself. Meeting all the guys was an absolute blast as well.)

Now, to the detail. The demos we played were identical to those played by AmiPolizeiFunk at Gamescom, so if you're looking for facts and stats check that out here. However, the look and feel of the game is excellent, and if you're a seasoned Company of Heroes player, you'll be able to sit down to your first game of CoH2 and be in the groove right away- not to say that it isn't apparent that you are indeed playing a new game.

TrueSight and ColdTech are the primary features that will differentiate CoH from CoH2. First, TrueSight. It is ultra, ultra slick- turn a corner and the view of your troops turns smoothly with it, your vision cone being excluded as you pass obstacles and shotblockers. In the 1v1 tutorial/demo, it was very noticeable, but not in a bad way. I played the demo several times, and after a while I began to see where you could put the new LOS system to tactical affect. For example, I was able to engage with my Guard squads from the front, while sending a flamethrower wielding Engineers along a wide flank where they were hidden from view, and was able to close the distance to my opponent's MG almost entirely without being seen, and therefore shot at. TrueSight works a little differently from Men of War in its implementation though- it's not 'ultra realistic' in that each individual man can only see what he is actually -looking- at. The sight of the squad -is- dependent on the individual members (for example, if you have one squad member poking out from behind a fence, you will be able to see behind that fence), but it doesn't matter which direction they are facing- they maintain a 360 degree field of vision (obstacles notwithstanding). Likewise with tanks and buildings, the units have a 360 degree field of vision unless something is in the way.

In the 2v2 Moscow skirmish, TrueSight was less noticeable for a couple of reasons; more units mean a bigger LOS, the map itself was quite open, and it was generally more chaotic. The 1v1 tutorial had flankable MG's whereas the tutorial AI rushed quite quickly to Panzer IV's. Maps will obviously have a very big impact on the way TS looks and feels. However, and I must stress this point, anything I say in regards to maps or balance must be taken with a pinch of salt- Quinn said that these maps are basically just showcases for pretty explosions and tanks falling through the ice for the press. Many of you will have seen Ami's (accurate) drawing of the Moscow map, split roughly down the middle by a huge frozen river- this was basically to demonstrate river effects (which I'll get to in a minute) and ColdTech- Quinn knows that these kinds of maps aren't good for competetive multiplayer.

ColdTech is probably the more controversial feature of the two as far as competitive multiplayer goes. I will assume that you know the basics behind ColdTech here from previous previews. The speed that your troops drop temperature, and therefore health, means that to travel long distances early game, it is quite stilted. We found ourselves having to 'leapfrog' across the map using fires when there was a blizzard, and we could certainly see the attraction of wanting to just sit tight and hunker down for the duration. However to our concerns that this might slow down the pace of gameplay, Quinn said that in his experience and the experience of his team, there was often a marked difference between different people's approaches to blizzards. While many players would choose to build their fires, sit in their halftracks or garrison buildings, others would take advantage of their predictable opponents and lack of movement to move aggressively. There is certainly a risk/reward factor here; if your opponent is all in one spot, you can easily raid his resource points, or even catch him off guard with a full frontal assualt, if well supported with halftracks to keep your men reinforced and warmed. Given the fairly rapid speed that your squads temperature can drop in a blizzard, I'm not entirely convinced that the carrot is quite tasty enough to warrant the stick, but these kinds of stats-based details are the kind of things betas are for. As you're all bound to ask me when said beta is rolling around, I will cut out the middle man and directly quote, “early”. Happy now? No? Well deal with it tongue.gif

Capturing vehicles has been covered quite extensively by other previews already, but I will say this- in the version we played, the process of actually 'capturing' the vehicle was instant- you simply had to reach the vehicle before your opponent. In this player's humble opinion, the process should be longer, so that you need to cover your 'capturing' troops, or clear the area first, before being able to steal the vehicle. It seemed a little silly that I was able to 'Oorah!' (more on this later) my disposable conscripts to an abandoned Panzer IV and instantly start wrecking my AI adversary's AT-less forces.

Random fact time! (various stuff that I don't think have already been covered but I don't need a whole paragraph to explain)

* T34's have the ability to 'Ram' enemy tanks. This will become available when the tank loses its main gun- it gains the ability to charge an enemy vehicle and upon crashing into it, potentially cause a critical.
*Criticals on vehicles have been expanded. It wasn't always clear what the affects were, but criticals included: Destroyed Main Gun, Damaged Engine, Destroyed Engine, Damaged Driver, Crew Stunned, Vision Blocked and Buttoned.
*Grenades are a big part of CoH2. Almost all regular infantry units have access to some form of grenade, ranging from molotovs to potato mashers, to bundle grenades and AT nades.
*The ability to button tanks is returning with the Soviet Guards. They have a weapons package comprised of 2 light MG42 type units which allows you to button enemy vehicles. In the Moscow level (which is now old) it worked quite similarly to British button- however Quinn assured me it's been changed to be less powerful in the newest version.
* Units come from off map rather than out of 'factory' style buildings. The Russian buildings are much like trenches in the ground and unless they get totally reskinned, I'm not forseeing units being produces and walking out of actual buildings.
* However, there are provisions being put in to make sure you can't just plant a tank on a spawn point to block unit spawns.
*Outline of current (or from our version) Soviet tech tree: T0: Engies, Conscripts; T2: Snipers and a recon vehicle unit we weren't able to build; T3: Mortar, Haltracks and M70 Light Tank. The Light Tank reminded me of the Tetrach. T4: T34 and T(something) heavy tank (was able to take a P4 easily).
*Outline of current (or from our version) German tech tree (only from what I could see was 'buildable' according to the base building descriptions: T0: Pioneers and 'battle phase' escalation; other units: mortar, grenadiers, panzer grenadiers, Armored Car type unit, Panzer IV's, Sturmpanzers, Bruumbar
*The 'Oohrah!' ability for Conscripts was only available once the T1 building was constructed. It allowed the squad to sprint (not fire up, sprint) which increases suppression resistance but does not allow them to break suppression. It also increases their accuracy.
*Snipers are a two man team who cannot actively cloak while moving and do not suffer from the cold. Snipers cannot be used as an A-move kill unit.
*Units move slower in thick snow. This also applies to retreat paths.
* There will be no fire up abilities in CoH2.
*Tanks slide on ice. You can powerslide tanks.
*Democharges can be placed anywhere.
*Buildings that you light on fire will stay burning for a period even after you stop attacking it.
*All weapons are droppable (not things like rifles but all major weapons). This includes flamethrowers, and yes, you can get double flamer engineers. However, the drop rate is lower.

A number of you asked about multiplayer features. I don't know a whole lot about it honestly, but here are the salient facts from what I am allowed to tell you.

Steam will allow them to potentially patch faster and more regularly.
They want the beta to allow for advanced balance and design tweaking.
Anti cheat will be covered.
They are aware of the demand for observer mode and rewinding on replays.
They are aware of the potential advantages of moddability and custom maps.
CoH2 will not be pay to win. However: the business model of micro transactions is necessary for THQ/Relic because it allows them to keep patching and supporting the game. With a business model where you buy the game once and never pay for anything again, each patch takes a chunk out of initial profits; not to mention server hosting, anti cheat and so on. Eventually you cannot afford to continue support for the game.

To put it simply and succinctly in response to our many requests for additional features, Duffy put it like this.

There are this many features he wants to include: I----------------------------------------I
And this much time and resources: I----------------I

Any questions, ask away. I learnt a whole lot about CoH2 in my time at Eurogamer and I certainly haven't extracted all the info yet, but I thought the earliest I could get my thoughts on to paper, the better.

Finally: the version we played was not the most up to date version. Some things have changed since then, and I don't know all of the changes. If you want me to talk more about specific Soviet units feel free, I tried them all.

Also, THANKS QUINN AND BOBBY! You guys are fucking awesome, seriously. The whole event was incredible, and it was an absolute blast meeting up with Sepha, 12azor, Hans, Pepsi and all the other guys from RN and stuff. Would definitely do again tongue.gif

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:36

Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Darknight » 01 ott 2012, 09:48

lol@flamer dual wield :asd:

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:36

Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Darknight » 19 ott 2012, 11:35

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:36
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Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Zannawhite » 24 gen 2013, 17:06

Ecco la fine del nostro gioco

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:36

Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Darknight » 24 gen 2013, 17:11

Dicono che Sega in passato abbia fatto un ottimo lavoro con altri studi acquistati.

Hey, Not Too Rough
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Iscritto il: 30 set 2010, 13:12

Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Pistolaru » 19 apr 2013, 07:08

Per chi vuole provare gratis COH2 beta

The steps to activate your beta code :

1.Download and install the Steam software. (if you haven't already).
2.Like the Company of Heroes 2 Facebook page (if you haven't already).
3.Click on the "FREE Beta Download" picture under the cover photo.
4.Click the "Reveal Code" button shown above to receive your code.
5.Navigate to the Library tab of Steam.
6.Click on Games followed by Activate a Product on Steam.
Follow the instructions and enjoy!
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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:34
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Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da pigro » 10 mag 2013, 18:35

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:34
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Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da pigro » 15 mag 2013, 23:07

Hey, Not Too Rough
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Iscritto il: 30 set 2010, 13:12

Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Pistolaru » 22 mag 2013, 12:39

Per chi vuole partecipare al server stress test ...
We will be running a limited and controlled test of the Company of Heroes 2 servers, and would love to get your help. We're looking for a limited number of people to play the game, which will put stress on our servers so we can make sure they're up to snuff for the launch.

This is not a Beta. This is not marketing thing, this is us wanting to make sure we're ready for launch and asking you guys for help in making sure that happens.

Since this is a test we are hoping the servers get knocked over quite a bit. That means that you may lose connectivity, or find that you can't play the game at times. If you're the sort of person to get frustrated by that sort of thing, please don't take part. The Open Beta will be much more satisfying for you.

Also we need to control how many people have access to this at a time, so we're controlling how many people are being invited. Please do not share the instructions for accessing this test with anyone. If everyone who we let into the test shared the information with even 1 other person we'd have double the number of anticipated people accessing the game. This could slow the game's development, delay the Open Beta and have consequences on the final product.

We're trusting you to work with us to make the best game possible. Please don't betray our trust.

If you do want to take part in the Server Stress Test please email: now.

Thank you all for your support! With your help Company of Heroes 2 will be one of hte best games we've ever published.

- the Company of Heroes 2 Dev Team

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JJ Calabria
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Iscritto il: 19 nov 2008, 14:19
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Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da JJ Calabria » 27 giu 2013, 11:33

Ieri ho visto per la prima volta il gioco (e l'edizione collector con 2 tank coi dadi rosa :asd: ).
Cosa ne pensate?
L'avete provato?

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:36

Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Darknight » 27 giu 2013, 11:41

Ne so ben poco e su steam ho visto che costa un botto, se lo prenderò sarà a 10 euro come il precedente... :sisi:

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JJ Calabria
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Iscritto il: 19 nov 2008, 14:19
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Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da JJ Calabria » 27 giu 2013, 13:35

Darknight ha scritto:Ne so ben poco e su steam ho visto che costa un botto, se lo prenderò sarà a 10 euro come il precedente... :sisi:
Quotone: 40 sacchi per la scatola normale e 80 per la collector so troppi.

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:34
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Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da pigro » 28 giu 2013, 09:12

Ultimamente si stanno facendo prendere la mano con i prezzi, l'altro giorno ho passato a Dark un link di steam di non ricordo quale gioco a più di 80€..... e parliamo di copia digitale :sbonk:

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:36

Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Darknight » 28 giu 2013, 09:29

Quello era una specie di kickstarter quindi un discorso un po' diverso però cmq insensato...

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JJ Calabria
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Iscritto il: 19 nov 2008, 14:19
Località: Bologna

Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da JJ Calabria » 28 giu 2013, 12:32

Quoto pigro per i prezzi ormai schizzati :S .
Sbaglio o Zanna è ancora rinchiuso nella sua camera blindata a finire il gioco :asd: ?

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2008, 13:36
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Re: Company of Heroes 2

Messaggio da Zannawhite » 29 giu 2013, 16:39

Mi sto preparando ad andare in vacanza. Prima di pensare a comprarlo leggerò attentamente i forum.
Non vorrei trovarmi con una fregatura stile terza espansione di COH1

Se il gioco è ok ci penso, ma per Natale.
Aorus x570 Pro Wi-fI - Ryzen 2700X - RTX 2060 - G-Skill 2x16Gb. DDR4 3200Mhz. - 970 Evo plus 500Gb. - TG800-BZ - - Armor Silver modding
